An idiot would tell you that robots would take over the world. I honestly believe we as humans have the ability to make sure we don't go that far.
People, especially most Americans, have a borderline fetish for leisure. If it makes things easy, buy it, buy it, buy it now. Likely, more advancements will be made to make sure people won't have to leave their home via conventional ways to go to work. Basically, we get even more lazy than we already are, all things considered. Not to mention new innovations for war.
Some good can come from this, however. We require an alternative to fossil fuels, so green energy will be a must in the future. Advancements in medicine will thrive, after everyone discovers that there really are cures for almost anything (there's just no money for the doctors in curing the disease, only treating it). A cleaner Earth, a better planet, a better ecosystem.
I need working on my anger management skills and learn how deal with it instead of getting upset and respect folk more better
matrix structure
Matrix management or structure refers to an organizational structure that allows individuals report to more than one supervisor or leader or superior. This is exemplified above where a professor reports to an academic supervisor in his field and also reports to a supervisor in a Master's degree program. This organizational arrangement or structure sets up reporting relationships in a grid or matrix fashion where there is dual role rather than in a traditional hierarchy.
the contintental shelf is the area right between the air and water