In beauty may I walk. All day long may I walk. Through the returning seasons may I walk. Beautifully will I possess again. Beaut
iful birds Beautifully joyful birds On the trail marked with pollen may I walk. With grasshoppers about my feet may I walk. With dew about my feet may I walk. With beauty may I walk. With beauty before me, may I walk. With beauty behind me, may I walk. With beauty above me, may I walk. With beauty below me, may I walk. With beauty all around me, may I walk. In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, lively, may I walk. In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk. It is finished in beauty. It is finished in beauty. —“A Prayer of the Second Day of the Night” Read the song as an ethnographer might and write 1 – 3 sentences explaining what the Navajo culture probably thinks of as beautiful. Support your answer with examples from the poem.
According to the song, the Navajo culture probably thinks the nature that surrounds them as they walk is beautiful. For example, the narrator mentions the seasons, birds, trails, grasshoppers and the dew. Actually, he suggests that not only nature but life, old age and death possess beauty too.
The Navajo culture finds beauty in everything that is around. From the birds, the pollen, the grasshoppers between their feet as they walk, to the sky above them, and all the things they leave behind. The whole journey through life was traveled with beautiful things, including its end.
The main reason we would colonize the moon would be for a place to be able to go into deeper space, thus a moon colony could be beneficial to the exploration of the rest of the solar system.