Attention to detail, thorough understanding of medical processes, ability to analyze large amounts of information.
You would see if they do insulin or not and if it’s functioning well, ask them what’s hurting them
Dude this is a question only you can answer it’s asking your thoughts on it :|
Different medication, re-examination, or lower dosage
The correct answers are: Pacific and North American.
The Pacific plate is located between Asia and Australia from one side, and North and South America on the other side, making the plate being artificially split into both the East and the West Hemisphere. The interesting part is the the western part of the plate is in the East Hemisphere, while the eastern part is in the Western Hemisphere.
The North American plate, in general is located in the West Hemisphere, apart from a small fraction of it that comes on the territory of Russia, the far eastern part of Russia to be more specific. So this small portion of the plate comes to be in the territory of the Eastern Hemisphere.