The answer to this question is: 20%
These demographic of students are the mixture of the students who want to focus themselves on the study, have some sort of medical illness that prevent them to do so, or the students that simply have a general personality that do not find being around alcohol and social situation very pleasant.
can control- modifiable, cant control=nonmodifiable
Obviously it would be different for you with your story but here's mine.
When I was about four years old, my parents divorced and I was devastated. I hated being away from my mom or my dad. Plus listening to other kids talk about how they're going on a "family trip" when my family was separated. Then my dad moved away and I felt really down from when I was about seven to eight. Although then I realized that I'm pretty lucky to have a mom and a dad who love, and care for me, even if they are apart at least I have them. Also knowing that I'm lucky to have a home, running water , electricity,etc. Now I'm older and whenever I have to leave my mom or dad, I'm not sad , instead I feel great ful to be spending time with whoever I'm with at the moment.
I believe it’s attitude. Hope this helps!!