The belief in one God is A.
While the apple is on the tree, it has potential energy. As soon as it begins to move, some of the potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy. When it falls down, the potential energy transforms more and more; shortly before the apple hits the ground, there is merely potential energy left, it all transformed into kinetic energy.
And always keep in mind, the potential energy doesn’t disappear! Energy always just transforms
D the ottoman Empire
led by Mehmad II they defeated The Byzantine Empire
B. Observational learning
Kelly watched her mother apply makeup, then decided to imitate. This type of learning is called observational.
Purposive behaviorism
Edward c. Tolman's system combining the objective study of behavior with the consideration of goal-orientation in behavior is called Purposive behaviorism
A subfield of psychology called "purposeful behaviorism" was developed by Edward Tolman. It combines the study of behavior with an analysis of the reason for or objective of behavior. According to Tolman, understanding of the environment and how an organism interacts with it is the foundation for learning. Tolman wanted to pinpoint the intricate cognitive processes and motivations that underpinned conduct.
To know more about purposive behaviorism here