Mercury: It has very little atmosphere
Venus: It barely spins on its axis
Earth: It has an abundance of liquid water
Mars: It has 2 moons.
Answer: B
Explanation: Mars and Venus are terrestrial so a planet in between would be as well
Hypertonic solution means the solution with a lower water potential than the cell cytoplasm, such as salt water.
When the red blood cell is put into it, since the cell has a higher water potential than the solution, water molecules will flow from the cell back into the water due to osmosis.
Osmosis is always where water molecules flow from a region of higher water potential to lower, through a semi permeable membrane (Whcih is the red blood cell membrane in this case.)
Since water flowed out of the cell, the cell lose water and shrinks.
Hypotonic solution is where the solution that has a higher water potential than the cell cytoplasm.
So when the red blood cell is put in that solution, the water will flow from the solution into the cell this time, by osmosis.
The red blood cell will then gain so much water that the cell membrane cannot hold all and therefore burst.
Insertion/deletion of 3 base which is a condon will be less fathal because only one amino acid will be missing from the protein of which the gene codes for.
If one codon is deleted it will still be the same but might cause a disease for example in cystic fibrosis one amino acid, 508th Phenly alanine is missing in the CFTR protein. They severity of diseases caused by Insertion or deletion is increased as the number of condon are more.
However, if only one or two is deleted/inserted then all the codons will shift causing them to be in different groups which may form a totally different amino acids as seen in frameshift mutation. This is more dangerous.