<span>he passed the bill and was able to work with congress</span>
They were passing through on their way to the West Coast.
The Transatlantic Slave trade not only distorted Africa’s economic development it also distorted views of the history and importance of the African continent itself. It is only in the last fifty years that it has been possible to redress this distortion and to begin to re-establish Africa’s rightful place in world history.
<span>"Shouting fire in a crowded theater"</span><span> is a popular </span>metaphor<span> for speech or actions made for the principal purpose of creating unnecessary panic. The phrase is a paraphrasing of </span>Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.<span>'s </span>opinion<span> in the </span>United States Supreme Court<span> case </span>Schenck v. United States<span> in 1919, which held that the defendant's speech in opposition to the </span>draft<span> during </span>World War I<span> was not protected </span>free speech<span> under the </span>First Amendment<span> of the </span>United States Constitution<span>.</span>
Answer: I put link in questions for your question and yes its for what you asked