Neon and Argon are known as the noble gases. This means that there inert and don’t typically react. The noble gases have full outer shells and therefore satisfy the octet rule. Hydrogen, on the other hand, must lose an electron to become stable. That is why it reacts.
Ionic bonds are formed when there is complete transfer of valence electrons between two atoms.
Electronegativity tells the trend of an atom to atract electrons.
You should search for the complete set of rules that indicate whether an ionic or covalent bond happens.
There are two relevant rules to state if whether an ionic bond will happen:
- When the difference of electronegativities between the two atoms is greater than 2.0, then the bond is ionic.
- When the difference is between 1.6 and 2.0, the bond is ionic if one of the elements is a metal.
You need to list the electronegativities of the five elements (there are tables with this information)
Element electronegativity
Cu: 1.9
H: 2.2
Cl 3.16
I: 2.66
S: 2.58
Cu / S: 2.58 - 1.9 = 0.68
H / S: 2.58 - 2.2 = 0.38
Cl / S: 3.16 - 2.58 =0.58
I / S: 2.66 - 2.58 = 0.08
Those differences are too low to consider that the bond is ionic.
Then the answer is that none of those atoms forms an ionic bond with sulfur.
O lowering the temperature of the system
Answer: There are many foods who have trace elements like seafood, legume, vegetables, tomatoes, bananas, eggs, fishes, meat.
Their five mainly functions are accept or receive electrons in redox reactions, act like cathalytic centers which are necessaries to live, control biologics process like the hormon activation and gen expression, provide stability, 3d structures in important molecules.
Explanation: Trace elements participate in redox reactions because they have acid-base components which alkalize o acidify the way, protecting the organism from free radicals.
Biological sources which are controlled by trace elements are:
- assimilation of ATP
- methabolic sources relationed with insuline
- oxygen transport in the organism
- stomach acid formation
- 3d structures from important moleculess are mantained by balance of electrons which make up the atoms from the molecule.