I would say that the results of the study are not significant. This is because the difference of those who drink tea and did not drink tea is small and more or less will have the same values at some points of the research. Having a difference of 0.024, cannot really say anything or differentiate the two.

Step-by-step explanation:
Let's bring the line in the classical

At this point we have the two values
for the slope and
for the intercept
General: 100.
Punto rojo: 75.
Alcance 2X: 69.
Alcance 4X: 62.
Alcance AWM: 34.
El arma M14 es ideal para enfrentamientos de largo alcance en Garena Free Fire.
El arma Groza es una buena arma para usar en situaciones de combate de mediano a largo alcance en Garena Free Fire.
El AWM es posiblemente el rifle de francotirador más fuerte de Garena Free Fire.
Step-by-step explanation:
depende del alcance que haya equipado
The answer to your question is: (4 x 10^-1)
What are the answers being provided ?