Explanation: A PROJECTIVE test is a psychological tool that is use to find out a person's real personality and not what the person claims to be.
In PROJECTIVE test,the person is subjected to ambiguous stimuli inorder to reveal the person's hidden emotions and personality.
Two types of PROJECTIVE tests are commonly used; the Rorschach Inkblot Test and the Thematic Apperception Test.
The Rorschach inkblot test is made up of 10 inkblot images with varying colors including black,white or grey.the psychiatrist or psychologist that had been trained in the use if the inkblot images presents the 10 images to the person undergoing the test one by one and is asked to say what they look like and what he/she thinks of the images holding the images in their desired position,they are then given the chance to say what they think of the images,once the individual responds,the psychologist or psychiatrist draws conclusion from the response given and then rates it.the observations made will be documented in the profile of the individual.
Thematic Apperception Test is a type of projective test, it involves the use of 20 different cards containing ambiguous pictures to research certain topics in psychology like fantasies and dreams inorder to know factors that affect or motivate people's choice,pattern of behaviour, and principles.