It established the precedent of judicial review, which balances the powers of the executive and legislative branches of government.
The Atmosphere, and the Surface of the Earth, including the Litosphere and the Hydrosphere.
Living organisms depend on the Atmopshere because it is the layer where several crucial cycles for life on Earth take place, like the Nitrogen Cycle and the Carbon Cycle.
Living organisms also depend on both the Litosphere and the Hydrosphere because these are the layers where they live. Terrestrial organisms dwell on the Litosphere, and water organisms dwell on the Hydrosphere.
Samoset traded and was friendly and introduced Squanto who was basically the right hand man to a chief who facilitated peace with the pilgrims.
Explanation:She will likely use that as an excuse to get hired for her next job resume.
Spanish settlers brought their own culture to the colonies by introducing their language, laws, religion and learning