When deciding for whom to produce, the consideration that must be addressed is WHO NEED THE PRODUCT THAT IS TO BE PRODUCED.When a decision has been made about what to produce, the producer must target a particular set of individuals or a specific population of the economy who are going to be the users of the product he want to produce. This specified population will be the primary consumers that the producer is targeting for his product. For instance, a producer that want to start producing pampers will be targeting mainly pregnant women and nursing mothers for his product.
en ek het 'n bietjie besig, maar ek is nog nie by die huis nie, maar ek sal vir u 'n foto stuur as ek kans kry om my hare klaar te kry
Well he is a great student so he shouldnt worry. just keep doing what you can do. everybody cant be good at everything
Answer: This is an example of HINDSIGHT BIAS.
Explanation: Hindsight bias is defined as the tendency for an individual to calculate too highly the ability to have seen the outcome of an event. It is also known as the knew-it-all-along phenomenon or creeping determinism individuals here feel they already know what will happen after it has happened.
The phrase "life is lived forwards, but understood backwards." is a typical example because for an individual to understand life backwards, it must have already happened. Which is what hindsight bias explains an already occur event. More like predicting the past.