Trade-off. act of giving up one thing of value to gain another. Opportunity Cost. value of the next best alternative you could have chosen. Marginal Benefit.
If you put my info in this I could have answered this
Steel was important to the second industrial revolution majorly because of its properties and its potential uses. Because steel is very strong, light and cheap, it was found ideal for many purposes. Steel was used to make many of the new inventions that characterized that period, a good example of this is rail road.
Either B or D. A and C do not make sense. I think it is B, but i do not know
They ensure that people and businesses can buy what they need.
Borrowing involves requesting and receiving a huge sum of money in a lump sum. Households and firms borrow from lenders to finance business expansion or domestic consumption.
In the economy, borrowing is significant as it facilitates the acquisition of start-up capital, capital goods, and household developments. Without borrowing and lending, these investments and consumption would not be possible as they require large sums of money to initialize. If firms and households depended on savings for capital and consumption expenditure, the rate of economic growth would be very slow. It would take many years to achieve the substantial amount needed for expansion and development projects.