Supine hypotension syndrome is the medical term for when a pregnant woman feels lightheaded and has a dip in blood pressure while lying down.
Supine hypotension in pregnancy: what is it?
- When you're pregnant, resting flat on your back might make some symptoms, including indigestion and shortness of breath, worse. Her blood pressure may also drop as a result of it.
- Supine hypotension syndrome is the medical term for when her blood pressure drops while she is pregnant and laying on her back. When a pregnant woman lies supine, the gravid uterus pushes on the inferior vena cava, resulting in a reduction in central venous return. This condition is known as a supine hypotensive syndrome (also known as inferior vena cava compression syndrome).
Learn more about supine hypotensive syndrome here:
The beak size will either increase or decrease, depending on the past evolution.
The final stage of the mitotic phase is cytokinesis, during which the cytoplasmic components of the daughter cells are separated either by an actin ring (animal cells) or by cell plate formation (plant cells).
Urbanization is defined as “the process of making an area more urban” or an increase in the amount of people living in towns or cities. Industrialization is defined as “the development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale” meaning a strong military with modern weapons, factories to create things, modern cars and boats etc. Urbanization and industrialization put a strain on the environment because of carbon gases emitted, effectively warming the earth up, destruction of trees which lowers our overall oxygen available, destruction of animal homes which will kill animals or cause unwanted interactions between humans and animals, and the pollution of natural resources such as local ponds, streams or the ocean.