Carbon fixation is the process in which plants remove the carbon from atmospheric carbon dioxide and turn it into organic molecules like carbohydrates.
Because different type of plants are located in regions with different conditions they are different types of carbon fixation. Plants that live in arid regions need to conserve water, while plants that live in more moist conditions will not need to conserve water.
The carbon fixation in C3 plants is one-step process. An oxidation reaction occurs because of the enzyme RuBisCo. During the oxidation some of the energy used in photosynthesis is lost in a process known as photorespiration.
Concentration gradient
Concentration gradient of the ions across the membrane generates the membrane resting potential.
Concentration gradient means that there is unequal distribution of the ions on different sides of membrane. For example, the concentration of K ions is much higher within the cell then out of the cell. Opposite is with the Na ions. When ions move from the area of their higher concentration to the are with the lower concentration, we say they move down the gradient or diffuse (no energy required). On the other hand, movement of ions against their gradient means that this process requires energy and involves protein pumps.
A covalent bond forms between two Nonmetals!
A covalent bond always forms between the electrons of two Nonmetals.
hope it helps!