Plant cell walls are rigid membranes on the outermost part of the cell. The cell wall provides a structured shape for the cell, helping the cell retain its form and shape. The cell wall also controls the rate of replication, allowing plant cells to replicate at a much slower rate than animal cells.
In multi-celullar organisms , the cell cycle produces groups of cells that perform the same function. These groups of cells form what it is called a tissue. A tissue is made up of cells that all are specialised to perform the same function. A bunch of tissues form an organ. Organs are more complex in structure and functions.
lots of different organs together form an organ system.
<span>Heat strokeHeat stroke is a condition caused by failure of the body's temperature-regulating mechanism when exposed to high temperatures. Heat stroke is treated by keeping the body temperature less than 102.5°F. Various cooling methods includes removing clothing, placing the patient in front of a large fan, and immersing the patient into a tub of cool water.