This graph does not represent a function because the x-intercepts repeat themselves several times. In order for a graph or group of coordinates to be a function, there must be only one of a particular x-coordinate.
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I would say the area its getting built. imagine wanting to build a house but you can't dig the sewer (if thats the spelling) pipes bc the area you want doesn't have any water or something like that. definitely money. without it, you can't do anything, you can't buy materials or even hire people to help you because you cannot tell me that you can build a house on your own. Another I would say is Labor cause like I said, if you ain't got nobody to help you, you're probably going to take a few years or more. so if you want to build a house in an area where there is a few architects and designers, you're just going to have to suck it up and get what you get.
Answer: B
Step-by-step explanation: The line crosses the Y axis at 3
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