Animal cells have plasma membrane while plant cells have
cell wall and cell membrane.
A plant cell has 1 large vacuole while an animal cell has
more than 1 vacuole which is smaller compared to the vacuoles of a plant cell.
The vacuole of a plant cell is hypertonic because it takes up to 90% of the
cells volume.
A plant cell has chlorophyll or chloroplasts (which gives
colors to plants), animal cells does not have chloroplasts.
Cell division is also called mitosis (this term is used for
both animal and plant cells, no difference on that). For plant cells,
centrifugal division occurs, its starts in the middle going outwards creating
the cell plate. For animal cells, division is centripetal that it comes from
the outside going toward the center and that is called the cleavage furrow.
Plants, microorganisms, and animals
Because that’s the way it should be
A eukaryotic chromosome consists of histones.
Properties of eukaryotic chromosome</h3>
Eukaryotes posses pairs of linear of chromosomes and they are all contained in the nucleus of the cell, possessing characteristic forms.
Eukaryotic chromosomes consists of histones which are condensed and DNA surrounding nuclear proteins.
Therefore, a eukaryotic chromosome consists of histones.
Learn more about eukaryotic chromsomes here:
E) horizontal gene transfer
Horizontal gene transfer can also be referred to as lateral gene transfer. It is the transmission of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) between different genomes.
Horizontal gene transfer has been shown to occur between different species, such as between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
Horizontal gene transfer is made possible by the existence of genetic elements, such as plasmids, transposons, and bacteriophages (bacteria that infects viruses).