Gloves to protect against infections, blood
Respiratory masks for breathing while in a room that is called an isolation room.
Surgical booties while in OR, to cover shoes.
Scrubs to protect from saliva
The classification is in this order: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus Species.
The kingdom is the largest group, it contains the largest number of organisms who are the least related.
The species is the smallest group, it contains the least number of organisms who are closely related.
As you go down, from "Kingdom", species become more closely related.
So species in the same family are MORE closely related than species in the same class.
A sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen base
You subtract the number of protons and the mass to get the number of neutrons.
Genes are typically hundreds or thousands of base pairs in length because they code for proteins made of hundreds or thousands of amino acids. Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins.