character count
The answer is probably character count.
Runtime error probably. The program won't make it past the while loop in the code.
Hey there! Hello!
The exclusive file type for Microsoft Word documents is .docx. You can see the attachment showing all the information you need to know about the example Word document I created. As long as you are using Word, the file type will be the same no matter what type of computer you're on or what it's running, so you don't need to worry about it being different for me on Mac than it might be for you on Windows.
Hope this helped you out! Feel free to ask me any additional questions you may have. :-)
An error will be occurred here. In C++ a function must be like
returntype function_name(){
but the functions in given class does not have returntype given. So there will be a syntax error.
If the returntype is defined then the code does not show any output since nothing is printed in the main function.
1) the wireless standards that can be implemented are; IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g and IEEE 802.11n. The pros and cons are in the attachment
2) 802.11g can be implemented in alice's restaurant. This is because it provides the fastest speed and has a wide range which will not be easily disturbed by other devices
3) Please check the attachment
4) Please check the attachment.