Rupert told you yesterday that he has ordered some steroids to help him improve on the football field. You are trying to talk hi
m out of taking them, but he says he assumes the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Using his assumptions, what drawbacks might Rupert face? His bones could stop growing. His brain could swell dangerously. His limbs could become numb. His lungs could become smaller.
Answer: Most businesses use the SMART model for goal setting: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timed. These are specific characteristics used in successful goal setting.
I'm saying cycling because everyone learned how to ride a bike at a young age and even if you don't know how to ride, you can put on training wheels. (lol). Hiking could be another good alternative but in case you get worn out, theres no place to call to get picked up because of bad service.