C. Inorganic Fertilizers
No inorganic fertilizers on earth contain cycle participating carbon. The only carbon containing fertilizer is organic Urea (NH2CONH2). This is because plants are never deficient in organic carbon availability. The inorganic fertilizers only deal with their mineral need and that;s why they don't participate in carbon cycle.
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that one possible main explanation is that a female zebra finch that chooses a mate that resembles her father is more likely to reproduce successfully.
This is due to the fact that they have seen this ornament as a symbol of the male becoming a father thus being more likely to reproduce successfully.
....meiosis.., however, I'm not sure that the zygote goes through division. After the two gametes intercept and FORM the zygote, I'm pretty sure the zygote doesn't deconstuct from a dipliod back into a hapliod