Choice of the right answer is:
D. Characters who endorse risky behavior.
Explanation: Explanation:
In various research techniques, media formats and various types of risk, the connection between risk take and risk-glowing media has been noticed by critics. According to the report reported online in the Psychological Review, both short-term and long-term effects are predicted and unusual sensitivity will contribute to increased risk-taking.
Peter Fischer, a psychological instructor at Regensburg University in Germany and co-workers draft, said: « Risk-glorification media can be important, including endless incidences of failure and injury and destruction and high financial costs, in the broad spectrum of risk-taking areas, including material harm and rapid driving.
Eat healthy and exercise 6 days a week and have set times for meals and snacks.
For example, TH2 cells directly stimulate B cells to class switch, producing immunoglobulin isotype IgE, which is useful in targeting parasitic worms.
Immunoglobulin E, or IgE, is a protein present in low blood concentrations that is usually found on the surface of some blood cells, especially basophils and mast cells, for example.
Because it is present on the surface of basophils and mast cells, which are cells that normally appear in higher blood concentrations during allergic reactions, IgE is usually related to allergies; however, its concentration may also be increased in blood due to diseases caused by parasites. and chronic diseases, such as asthma, for example. This is because TH2 cells directly stimulate B cells for class switching, producing the IgE isotype of immunoglobulin, which is useful in targeting parasitic worms.
Answer: El bombero debe de tener una actitud de siempre estar listo para cualquier incidente
Explanation: El bombero es alguien que arriesga su vida en incendios y situaciones de peligro por el bien de los demas. Para que el bombero pieda ser capaz de cumplir con sus labores, debe de tener un cuidado que va desde su bienestar fisico hasta mental.
Es importante que el bombero sepa donde se encuentra todo su equipo para saber como manejarse acorde a la situacion. Tambien es necesario que tome descansos para que sea capaz de poder estar optimas condiciones al momento de responder ante una emergencia.