You would call 2-1-1 because 2-1-1 can offer access to the following types of services: Basic Human Needs Resources – including food and clothing, shelters, housing, utility assistance. Disaster Response and Recovery – works with the emergency management team during a disaster to offer support and place for dissemination of information.
D, all of the above, consumer advocate groups must know about lemon law and legal aid is what assists the most out of the groups specified. State attorney general's office provides service for various kinds of laws including the Lemon Law.
Jennifer and Sammy
They have the right blood to give you
Three ways you can be safe when using social media and the internet is to make your account private, don't share personal information, and don't talk to strangers. You should make your account private because it allows you to see who wants to follow you and it allows you to allow whether or not they are allowed to follow you. You shouldn't share personal information because someone can possibly track you down, or your house, or your school, etc. Talking to strangers applies to everywhere including online. You won't know how they'll respond and that can make you uncomfortable.