Spain Population of 47 million, Italy Population of 59 million,United Kingdom Population of 63 million, France population of 65 million, Germany population 81 million, Russia population of 144 million.
B. the potential for personal growth
Psychoanalytic theory of personality: The psychoanalytic theory of personality was developed by the famous psychologist named Sigmund Freud in the 19th century.
In his theory, Freud argued that an individual's behavior arises from the interaction among three different components of mind, they are id, ego, and superego.
The psychoanalytic theory encompasses the three components of mind, psychic conflict, psychic determinism, and mental energy.
It mainly focuses on the unconscious mind instead of the conscious mind.
It investigates and treats personality disorders and it is being used for psychotherapy.
The theory contributes to the idea that the influence of childhood experiences can b seen in adulthood.
Realistic period
Realism is called a movement of literature from 1865 to 1900. This movement was focusing on the view that what was occur at that time.
It focuses on the insight of what is, in reality, going on. It was the reaction against romanticism. Realism was based on the truth and the depicted life in the society as it was there.
Realism was focused on the present issue of society. Realism was about to focus on the word rather than the plot. The conversation and talking were normal. Thus Sheila was according to Ginzberg, was in a realistic period.
C. when the deviant label is applied later in life
When the deviant label is applied later in life, is the circumstance that a deviant label leads from primary to secondary deviance.