In a market economy the production is determined not by someone's decision <em>(which can be wrong, and a wrong decision is the reason why there there are unwanted goods or a lack of wanted goods) </em>but it is regulated by the supply and demand: if there is a need for a good, it will be produced, and if there is no need for something, its production will halt and there will not be an unwanted storage.
In short, in a market economy, the economy itself regulates this.
In the following, you will find the excerpts from "Elizabeth Bishop's" The fish in that very situation:
"I caught a tremendous fish, and held him beside the boat, half out of water, with my hook, fast in a corner of his mouth. He didn’t fight. He hadn’t fought at all. He hung a grunting weight, battered and venerable and homely. Here and there his brown skin hung in strips like ancient wallpaper,"
Abel Fields's actions are protected by the First Amendment. By a 6-3 majority, the Supreme Court determined that the Stolen Valor Act was unconstitutional under the First Amendment's protection of free speech.
Answer: prerefferal committee
Prerefferal is done to provide, develop appropriate teaching pattern that can be adopted by the children with special needs before he arrival of the students.
Prerefferal committee consist of the teacher, parents or guardians of the students, the adminiatrator of the school, nurses with the child health history, the elderly and are reffered to as Students centered team.
The aim of prerefferal is to provide the students with the best environment and best method for learning considering the physical and mental state.