Most heterotrophs are chemoorganoheterotrophs<span> (or simply </span>organotrophs<span>) who utilize organic compounds both as a carbon source and an energy source. The term "heterotroph" very often refers to chemoorganoheterotrophs. Heterotrophs function as consumers in </span>food chains: they obtain organic carbon by eating autotrophs or other heterotrophs. <span>Most </span>opisthokonts<span> and </span>prokaryotes<span> are heterotrophic</span>
more surface area and volume
As true pressure we denote the absolute pressure. <span>
Gauge pressure is the pressure above the ambient pressure </span>(it is zero-referenced against ambient air pressure). Absolute pressure <span> is equal to gauge pressure plus atmospheric pressure.</span>So, according to this the gauge pressure is always less than the absolute pressure.
Some plants could die due to a shortage of nutrients