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Dialectical materialism is a philosophical current described by Karl Marx. Materialism means that only matter exists. There are no abstract entities. The evolutionary process of living things supports this trend. Because it is the field of dialectical materialism to investigate the philosophical essence by going through various changes over time.
Hammurabi's Code was left behind as Hammurabi's legacy. This was the first written set of laws and was ruled by harsh punishment for wrongdoings. This set of laws is the foundation for most modern societies today.
General James Wilkinson
At that time, Aaron Burr held the position as the vice president for Thomas Jefferson . He planned a mutiny to establish an independent country apart from United States.
Burr confided his plan to Wilkinson. He believed that Wilkinson will support his effort since Wilkinson tried to established an independent state himself. But, Wilkinson chose to reveal Burr's plan to Jefferson. He believed that revealing the plan to Jefferson will granted him a favor from the president and it will advance his political career.