(1) input-output equipment, (2) main memory, (3) control unit, and (4) arithmetic-logic unit.
The Register stores data temporarily for the Arithmetic and Logic Unit ALU and give to output device.
my Ro.b.l.o.x is cookiefunny232
through the use of zoom to teach.And reading books online
C. 22
Given that the argument is being passed by value, there is no memory to consider. So cookieJar(7) returns 7 and cookieJar(22) returns 22.
If the argument parameter was passed by reference or pointer, then perhaps the value from cookieJar(7) would be considered with cookieJar(22).
Note, this code block really isn't doing anything other than returning the value passed into it. The "amount" variable is immediately set to 0, and then the value passed in is added to amount (which is 0), and returns. The following code could replace this function:
public static int cookieJar(int addCookies){
return addCookies;
The above code will return an equivalent output to the given code.
Notice, the function is not dependent on any previous call, so the value for each is unique to the call itself, i.e., cookieJar(22) returns 22 and cookieJar(7) returns 7.
So, C. 22 would be correct.