The answer to this problem would be
A. cocaine
Defining Public Health Nonprofits.
hese plans cover issues such as chronic health conditions, infectious diseases, physical health, mental health, social justice, and nutrition.
Answer: General defence system: acts against all pathogens.
2. Specific defence system: attacks particular pathogens.
1. Examples of the general defence system.
Skin: provides a barrier to infection.
Clotting: when skin is broken it prevents entry of pathogens.
Sebaceous glands: found in the skin and produce chemicals that kill bacteria.
Sistem pertahanan umum: bertindak melawan semua patogen.
2. Sistem pertahanan khusus: menyerang patogen tertentu.
1. Contoh sistem pertahanan umum.
Kulit: memberikan penghalang untuk infeksi.
Pembekuan: ketika kulit rusak itu mencegah masuknya patogen.
Kelenjar sebaceous: ditemukan di kulit dan menghasilkan bahan kimia yang membunuh bakteri.