En la fotofosforilación acíclica, cuando los pigmentos (clorofila) y las moléculas de agua son alcanzados por fotones (partículas de luz), existe liberación de electrones.Se llama cíclica porque los electrones son re-utilizados por la clorofila. Es una forma alternativa de producción de ATP.
Compound: These are made of the various type of same or different elements. These elements show a specific ratio in a particular compound.
The physical properties are traits of a particular compound or element that can be observed physically like the state of matter, color, odor, and other. The chemical properties and physical properties of compounds and elements they formed are different.
It is not comparable as the elements have no or very little individual value in a compound. For instance, water made of hydrogen and oxygen, where water is liquid and constituents are gas.
The general term of it all is Cytology, which means the study of the cells. This in turn is split into smaller sciences like Cytophysiology (Study of cell physiology and anatomy), Ctyopathology (Study of diseases effects on cells), and Cytochemistry (study of cell biochemistry).
C. Traits present in the last common ancestor of a certain group of species under consideration.
Ancestral character traits are the one that is present in the last common ancestor and all of its descendant groups. For example, the presence of the vertebral column is an ancestral trait for all the vertebrate groups such as birds and mammals as it was present in their last common ancestor and is also shared by them.
Explanation:there will be 12 tongue rolling offsprings with widow's peak and 4 offspring with widow's peaks but not tongue rolling