Draining the oceans would show features such as mid-ocean ridges. These features would look like an extensive mountain range running down the spine of the ocean floor. This region marks the area where two oceanic tectonic plates are being pushed apart. Closer to land or the continents would be a gentle shelf that gradually deepens as one moves away from the coastline. This relatively gentle plain would then make a steep drop off down to an extensive plain stretching towards ocean ridges. The ocean floor also supports lone mountain structures, canyons and chasms.
carbondioxide last in about 300 to a 1000 years in the atmosphere
This tool is divided into three sections representing the principles in the Medication practice standard: authority, competence, and safety.
Rights of Medication Administration
1. Right patient
- Check the name of the order and the patient.
- Use 2 identifiers.
- Ask patient to identify himself/herself.
2. Right medication
- Check the medication label.
- Check the order.
3. Right dose
- Check the order.
- Confirm the appropriateness of the dose using a current drug reference.
4. Right route
- Again, check the order and appropriateness of the route ordered.
- Confirm that the patient can take or receive the medication by the ordered route.
5. Right time
- Check the frequency of the ordered medication.
- Double-check that you are giving the ordered dose at the correct time.
- Confirm when the last dose was given.
6. Right documentation
- Document administration AFTER giving the ordered medication.
- Chart the time, route, and any other specific information as necessary.
7. Right reason
- Confirm the rationale for the ordered medication. What is the patient’s history? Why is he/she taking this medication?
8. Right response
- Make sure that the drug led to the desired effect. If an antihypertensive was given, has his/her blood pressure improved?
- Does the patient verbalize improvement in depression while on an antidepressant?
The correct answer is option C. "2+".
A common procedure to test for the presence of antigens is to perform an agglutination reaction by performing an antibody screen. In an agglutination reaction that is graded 2+ the red blood cells start to be broken and medium-sized agglutinates are formed. In this reaction no red blood cells are free, only agglutinates are seen at the bottom of the microtubes. The characteristics of the reaction herein described concur with an agglutination reaction that is graded 2+.