specialization. If you have a specialization, that means you focus on a specific aspect of a larger topic. ... Your specialization is your special subject or skill. If you're planning on studying biology in college, your advisor eventually will ask what your area of specialization will be.
specialization means to become expert of some skill. when you concentrate on particular area or skill for longer time eventually you become expert of that skill
Social placement is when people are funneled into a society's various positions at a mass scale. The entire lower social class is funneled into a class the doesn't fit all of them because of their parent's amount of money.
Lauren will probably be competitive in the first round of
the game, though David will probably cooperate.
The prisoner's dilemma is a conundrum in choice
investigation in which two people keeping their best interests in mind seek
after a game-plan that does not bring about the perfect result.
Propietors were drawn to these colonies because of their good growing climate, proxsimity to the coast(for easy trading) and they made money by growing cash crops like rice and tobacco(later cotton and indigo as well).