The first is knowing what the numbers in your equation represent:
For example: y=mx+b in this case "b" is 9. b is the y-value when x=0. So the first point on our graph is (0,9). Next we have to pick an xvalue to solve for another y-coordinate.
I chose x= -3. Plug x into the equation to get y. y=3x+9 y=3(-3)+9 y=(-9)+9 y=0
So, our second point is (-3,0).
connect the points with a ruler to graph the line.
<span>The Volume of a Cylinder = </span><span>π <span>• r² • height<span> </span></span></span>radius = 13.5 feet volume = PI * 13.5^2 * 4 feet (the problem states it is to be filled to a depth of 4 feet) volume = PI * 182.25 * 4 volume =
2,290 cubic feet</span></span></span> The hose delivers 80 <span>cubic feet per hour so it will take: </span>2,290 / 80 =
hours ************************************************************************** The volume of the pool is: volume = PI * 182.25 * 4.5 =
2,576.</span></span></span>5 cubic feet