Answer: The client experienced a switching
Dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as multiple personality disorder, is a mental illness that is characterized by the presence of two identities, where they are presented alternately. The person who has this disorder is not able to remember personal information, daily events or traumatic events. Other symptoms also involve the feeling of being separated from your being and emotions, high levels of stress and problems to deal with situations of daily living.
In the case of the client, the action that has manifested from being a calm and rational moment to start acting like a spoiled child is one of the symptoms of this disorder called switching.
50 years
The first human spaceflight named Vostok 1 was launched on April 12, 1961. This spaceflight took along with it Yuri Gagarin, a Cosmonaut who came from the Soviet Union. Thus this scientist was the first to ever travel to space and enter into orbit.
The formal end of the space shuttle program was marked in August 31, 2011. The last shuttle, STS-135 that was flown by Atlantis was retired on July 2011. So the time duration between the first human spaceflight and the end of the space shuttle program spanned some 50 years.
The evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin inspired many sociologist to suggest that society is itself an organism which evolves from a primitive stage to a modern one. L.H Morgan suggests three stages of evolution which are savagery, barbarism, and civilization by which society moves from simple to more complex form. British sociologist Herbert Spencer applied Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest to society and according to him western societies are better adaptive to the changing times and therefore they are surviving and evolving.