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33% is about how many people who smoke will develop lung cancer over their lifetimes. And that comes with great variability and does not account for other smoking related illness. What would the data using a preliminary estimate of .33 be measuring exaxctly?
1. We compare children much much more now with social media because we get to see who grows up successful in many ways now it's social media with communicating and sharing be easier to access
2.another one is we overshare, (for example, Sandra posted a picture of her daughter getting her a shot for a vaccine and the picture of her daughter has her screaming and kicking).
3. one positive thing about social media influencing parenting is if you have a phone you're most likely allowed to go more places because your parents can contact you within seconds.
4. Modern parents are now less likely to let their child do things and go places because they saw on the news or from a family member that something bad happened there unlike in the old days that you were able to spend all your time outside without having to worry about your child getting hurt. ( and yes I know this goes against my 3rd point)
5. social media has created some lazy parents that will just shove an iPad or phone into their child's face to quiet them or to get them from being angry.
Jasmine's plan provides an excellent example of the strategy of scaffolding.
Instructional scaffolding is a process through which a teacher adds supports for students in order to enhance learning and aid in the mastery of tasks. The teacher does this by systematically building on students' experiences and knowledge as they are learning new skills. We can take the example of a child learning to walk.
It is a process through which a teacher adds support for students in order to enhance learning and aid in the mastery of tasks. The teacher does this by systematically building on students’ experiences and knowledge as they are learning new skills. Just like the scaffold, these supports are temporary and adjustable. As students master the assigned tasks, the supports are gradually removed.
The correct answer is irony
Sarcasm and Irony are ways of expressing a statement with a connotative meaning, that is, figurative.
Irony, on the other hand, means “asking by pretending not to know the answer”, “disguise” or “concealment”. The curious thing is that this word has been used, in the past, to refer to ignorance or ignorance about something.
Since the Aristotelian period, sarcasm and irony were already recorded in the speeches. The philosopher Aristotle used these artifices of language when pretending not to understand the idea expressed by the interlocutor, confronting him until he came to a contradiction in speech.
The grammar explains sarcasm and irony as figures of speech used outside their real meaning, which express a tone of debauchery. The difference between sarcasm and irony is that while the first is said in a malicious and harsh tone, the second is a contradictory phrase that generally has a sense of humor.