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hydrogen couldn't form until the universe had cooled enough to allow their nuclei to capture electrons, about 380,000 years after the Big Bang, Within about 3 minutes after the Big Bang, conditions cooled enough for these protons and neutrons to form hydrogen nuclei.
<span>contractile vacuole
Contractile vacuoles are organelles that are responsible for excretion function. They perform osmoregulation which manages wastes, water and other needed materials in the cell. They are found in some prokaryoric organisms like the algae, protists, amoeba and other unicellular organisms.
The PAX-6 gene is a gene that translates to the PAX-6 protein that serves as a transcription factor needed to activate certain genes that functions in the development of the eyes. While PAX-6 gene may look like it produces different functions for different species (such as formation of the compound eye in insects vs. formation of a single lens eye in vertebrates), it does not. It does in fact only regulate the genes required for the formation of the eyes. Absence or mutation of the PAX-6 gene will cause aniridia or absence of the iris, opaque lens and cornea, and a dysfunctional retina. Also, the function of the PAX-6 protein is conserved throughout evolution of species.