Gases can be produced by normal flora (bacteria that normally lives in the intestines) and harmful bacteria as well.
Breast feeding gives the baby immunity against diseases caused by bacteria.
Apart from nourishing the infant, breast milk protects the baby. Immunoglobulin in breast milk helps to boost a baby's immune system.
In the case of an infection or illness, a breastfed baby is likely to recover faster because the mother’s body will produce specific antibodies that will fight against the infection the baby picked has.
Breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from diarrhea, cold, thrush, gastroenteritis and ear and chest infections.
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Secondhand smoke among children causes a myriad of problems with the respiratory system.
Pregnant mothers or young children that are exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to suffer from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), babies could be born with low birth weights and/or underdeveloped lungs, children can suffer from acute respiratory infections and/or asthma, children can also suffer from increased ear infections as well.