the will made with undue influence
A testator is simply an anyone who writes a will and also anyone who executes a valid will or a given legacy.
In this scenario called undue influence where a person influences or persuades the testator to alter or make some changes his or her will due to the fact that the testator vulnerable state(emotionally and physically unstable).
Anyone can influences a testator. the people who can easily persuade a testator to make changes in his/her will are those who are close to the testator and also recognizes that the testator is not emotionally and physically stable and so they persuades the testator to agree to their demand and make the changes in the will.
The not only raise the price of imports, leading to a decrease in consumer surplus. And high tariffs may lead to trade wars between nations
B. Road
Reason: it’s kinda common sense
At a first glance it seems easier to accept public administration as an art. It is just the administration of Government affairs and for most part it does not follow the laws of Science like absence of normative value, predictability of behavior and universal application.