The deltoid and the triceps
to improve strength in deltoid u can do a seated dumbbell shoulder press
and to improve strength in triceps do reverse cable tricep extensions
Do you have the answer choices? Typically, it would be pouring the required amount into the bottle cap and then transfer them to the medication cup. Has the least risk of contamination for both the meds in the cup and in the bottle.
Maybe you should tell him to go to a doctor or tell him to see a Psychiatrist.
You must know rour resting heart rate before you can calculate your target heart rate for exercise. Correct answer: B Resting heart rate is the number of times the heart beats per minute when te body is at rest. It is usually somewhere between 60 and 100 beats per minute for the average adult. In order to calculate the target heat rate, you should calculate heart rate reserve (HRR) which is resting heart rate subtracted from your maximum heart rate. Then you should m
ultiply your HRR by 0.7 (70 percent) and add your resting heart rate to this number and ultiply your HRR by 0.85 (85 percent) and add your resting heart rate to this number. This is the taregt zone.