Delmar believes that he has been sent to earth to save mankind. he believes that women are evil and that any male who speaks to,
or associates with, a female is doomed to a life as a servant to the female's wishes. he often tells you of his grand plan to save males from the influences of the female. nothing you say or do will convince him that his ideas are untrue. what is delmar demonstrating?
Delusions refer to<span> erroneous or unfounded beliefs that are fixed and firmly held by an individual despite a lack of clear evidence supporting these beliefs. In this instance, Delmar's beliefs are incorrect, yet he is strongly convinced of them despite an logic or clear evidence supporting his claims. Another form of delusion is believing that aliens roam Earth without any evidence supporting this belief. </span>
Developing countries still may not have a fully literate population, or widespread internet access, a well functioning policing and fire services. Developed countries have all these things.
just a few examples, you can come up with hundreds