<h3>nmkhjuvufurj</h3><h3 /><h3 /><h3 /><h3 /><h3 /><h3>shooty</h3>
There is a relationship between confidence interval and standard deviation:


is the mean,

is standard deviation, and n is number of data points.
Every confidence interval has associated z value. This can be found online.
We need to find the standard deviation first:

When we do all the calculations we find that:

Now we can find confidence intervals:

We can see that as confidence interval increases so does the error margin. Z values accociated with each confidence intreval also get bigger as confidence interval increases.
Here is the link to the spreadsheet with standard deviation calculation:
24 cause u take 4 time 6 is 24 u got ya answer
3 red and 3 yellow don't get ur question cause think u should re say it