Fibrous proteins are generally composed of long and narrow strands and have a structural role.
Globular proteins generally have a more compact and rounded shape and have functional roles.
fibrous proteins ARE something, whereas globular proteins DO something.
To match the features and characteristics.
We can classify these Fungi on the basis of their features and characteristics that resembles to the different divisions of fungi. Fungi are classified in four divisions i.e. the Chytridiomycota (chytrids), Zygomycota (bread molds), Ascomycota (yeasts and sac fungi), and the Basidiomycota (club fungi). There are specific characteristics of every division of fungi so we have to match the physical features of unknown fungi with these divisions and classify them.
I think the answer is Global Development Engineering.
People in this career help sustainable development happen through the use of their inventions that are mainly energy efficienct.
They are focused on research, design, and the creation of alternative ways to promote good health and sanitation, housing, and renewable energy that will cater developing or underdeveloped countries.
GLE is one engineering team that made a solar project in Africa.

[b] The sporangia are knob-like structures.
They are present at the top of the thread-like structures called hyphae.
They are dispersive, i.e. they are scattered by rain, wind or insects.