They recommend "adults eat just over half a pound of meat per week"
We eat “half a pound” of meat
pre contemplation - 1st preparation- 2nd contemplation- 3rd action-4th
maintenance- 5th one
The answer is Nutrition.
Plz give BRAINLIEST if possible
In an advertisement by Nurofen (British biggest painkiller company), a false claim was made that the painkiller can specifically diminish the pain for joints and backbone. However, the medicine had no specific mode of action to target these body parts specifically rather it was just a normal pain killer. For this reason, the court banned the company for a false and misleading statement. The link to the advertisement is:
The link of banning by court is:
allows for more specific feedback to enhance performance
Biomechanical principles provides information to enhance performance about the human body. By using biomechanical principles, we can remove stress and pressure on the bones, joints, muscles and ligaments that may cause injuries. By using biomechanical principles, there is great improvement in the performance of athletes and reduced injuries during sports and games.