Eat More. You need to eat more calories than you burn in order to gain weight. Most guys will need at least 3000kcal/day, skinny guys with fast metabolisms will need even more. Start eating at least four meals a day – breakfast, lunch, dinner, post workout. Eat your stomach full on each meal.
Get Stronger. Strength is size. Increase your Squat to 140kg/300lb, increase your Bench Press to 100kg/220lb, and increase your Deadlift to 180kg/400lb. This will increase your overall muscle mass.
Rest. Muscles grow when at rest. Give your arms a break, they’re small muscles. Check StrongLifts 5×5: the routine allows for plenty of rest.
Track Progress. Weigh yourself and measure your arms every 2 weeks. If your arms aren’t getting bigger you’re not training properly or not eating enough food.
Avoid Curls. Increasing your Squat & Deadlift will build your arms faster than biceps curls & triceps extensions. Get stronger and eat more.
Downward dog push-ups. This is the start of your downward dog push-ups.
Chair dips. You can do chair dips anywhere. ...
Towel curl. Use a towel to get the biceps of your dreams. ...
Elevated pike push-up. Try out these pike push-ups for a challenge. ...
Single-leg tricep dip. ...
Inverted rows. ...
Band push-downs. ...
Lateral plank walk
Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps, rest 90 seconds between sets.
Possible airway obstruction
other people, rebellion, lack of confidence, escape, misinformation
Pain signals move from peripheral nervous system to the spinal cord and many gates are present in between which regulate these signals. The slow pain signals then move from the spinal cord to the <span>hypothalamus and limbic system. The former releases hormones which are stress-related, the latter is associated with the emotions and feelings related to the same. These signals are slow because they pass through the brain parts which are responsible for the emotions also, which is limbic system and prefrontal cortex. This lag time enables the person to feel the severity of pain and protect from it. For example, the soldier feels less pain because he is attached to the war scenario in a different manner, as compared to the civilian, and therefore, pain signals follow a different pathway, leading to a feeling of comparatively lesser pain and other activities are less affected.</span>
definitely I would say a virus