Human agency.
As the exercise explains, the human agency is the notion that students that students have the capacity to exercise influences over their life events and coordinate their own learning, motivation, and emotions. It's the belief that one has the power to control his-her life; be it emotions or learning.
Sugar Act and the Stamp Act were both British Laws that were passedby parliament during the reign of King George III and instigated by the government led by Lord Grenville. The Sugar Act was passed in 1764 and the Stamp Act was passed a year later in 1765.
Any word ending with the suffix -cide means to kill or death. Suicide specifically means to kill oneself. This is usually done because they believe their life has gotten to the point where there are no better alternatives and death is the only way to release some sort of pain or bad situation."
The excessive money spending by the government. There is no free lunch. If the government spend too much money in something, it is not going to have money to attend other needs.