well buddy i don't know what you are talking bout but it depends on what crime he commited like if he did a really bad one then yes its fair but if it wasn't that bad then its not fair.
Human Environment Interaction. The people of Latin America have altered the land through agriculture, development of infrastructure, logging, mining, and urbanization. Natural disasters have impacted the lives of millions of people in Latin America
Resources can broadly be classified upon their availability—they are classified into renewable and non-renewable resources. Examples of non-renewable resources are coal, crude oil natural gas nuclear energy, etc. ... An item becomes a resource with time and developing technology.
For the congress to propose amendments, it needs the support of two-thirds of the House of Representatives and two-thirds of the Senate. There are 100 senators, thus, at least 66 senators have to support the amendment, and there are 435 voting members of the house of representatives, thus, at least 290 representatives have to support the amendment for it to pass.