Less mobile because the house has to be sold in order to move to another location
When the stock markets crash, the businesses crash because the economy relies on the circulation of money to stay alive, when stock markets crash, money is slowing down and businesses can't afford to keep their business
The United States government do make some monies available to individuals or organisation in the form of grants, for the achievement of set purposes or goals. Not everyone or organisation can be eligible for all the available grants at any time. People are expected to look through various application processes to know if they are legally eligible to apply for any grant in order to avoid wasting their time and money during application.
Commas, tabs, semicolon, or spaces.
In Excel, commas, tabs, semicolon, or spaces are known as delimited values, and you can tell excel which option your data has in order to separate it. For example, if you copy and paste text that will be used for column header you can use the "Text to Columns" tool, click "delimited" and next, and then check the box next to which type of separator you are using (commas, tabs, etc). The tool will then separate every item of text with that type of separator into different columns.
The way economists would probably explain the wastage of
this clam resource is by saying that clams are free goods and are therefore
subject to the tragedy of the commons effect. The tragedy of the commons effect
is a theory in economics, postulated by the Victorian economist William Forster
The tragedy of the commons effect describes a condition
within a shared-resource system where each user act freely according to their
own self-interest, but their collective actions ends in the depletion or spoilage
of that resource, thus having a negative impact on the common good of all users.
In this case, commons is taken to refer to the clam resources.