HelloHelloHelloHelloanswer answeranswer answer
What are large, relatively flat areas? ... Why are coastal plains also called lowlands? ... What is a grassy wetland usually flooded with water? ... What rises steeply from the land around them? ... flat raised landform made up of nearly horizontal rocks that have been uplifted ... distances in degrees north or south the equator.
This is false. They were both chemists and they made many discoveries such as realizing that charcoal and diamond are different forms of the same element and proposing an atomic theory, but they never tried to turn diamonds to gold.
Because your Teeth are composed of calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals. ... But bones are still not as strong as teeth. The hardest part of the human body ,teeth mostly consist of a calcified tissue called dentine. The tooth's dentine tissue is covered in enamel, that hard, shiny layer that you brush.