The split left the Democratic Party with enough support to win the election.
C. Johnson was found not guilty and continued to serve in office.
During the trial 35 senators voted guilty and 19 not guilty. This was not enough to fulfill the 2/3 majoirty guilty vote.
Los europeos llevaban a un enemigo oculto a los indios: nuevas enfermedades. Los pueblos nativos de América no tenían inmunidad contra las enfermedades que los exploradores y colonos europeos traían consigo. Enfermedades como la viruela, la influenza, el sarampión e incluso la varicela resultaron mortales para los indios americanos.
We are proud because Buddha was born here. We are proud because of our Natural Heritage. We are proud of the highest peaks and the lowest valleys.
We are recognized as the country of the highest mountain in the world. So, Sagarmatha is the national pride of Nepal.
Franklins cartoon- 1757
revolutionary war- 1775
there is an 18 year difference